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Department: Central Office Of Information
Name Central Office Of Information
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Books contained within this department
Name The Aircraft Builders An Account of British Aircraft Production 1935-1945.
The Aircraft Builders An Account of British Aircraft Production 1935-1945.
Category Production at Home
Issued By Central Office Of Information
Issued For Ministry Of Aircraft Production
Published Apr/1947
DescriptionNot long ago an enthusiastic foreign writer described the building up of Britain's air power during the war years as "a miracle." The remark was well meant but, to the Britisher, it misses the point. The most interesting thing about the development of British air power is that it was not a miracle. The story of aircraft production in this country during the last few years is a story of Britain at its best and the British genius at its highest and most characteristic.
Name The Battle of the Atlantic, The Official Account of the Fight Against The U-Boats, 1939 - 1945
The Battle of the Atlantic, The Official Account of the Fight Against The U-Boats, 1939 - 1945
Category Action at Sea
Issued By Central Office Of Information
Issued For none
Published Oct/1946
DescriptionFor the space of sixty-eight months the Battle of the Atlantic raged with ruthless but varying intensity. It started with the sinking of the Athenia west of Ireland less than twelve hours after the outbreak of war on September 3rd, 1939, ended with Grand-Admiral Dönitz's signal of May 4th, 1945, ordering his U-boats to cease hostilities and return to base, followed four days later by the unconditional surrender of Germany. The narrative that follows does not pretend to give a full and detailed account of the Battle of the Atlantic, it is merely the abbreviated story of a few of the more important highlights in the several phases of a ruthless and protracted campaign which, but for the grace of God, might well have brought about not merely the defeat of Britain and the disruption of the British Empire, but the eventual Axis domination of the world.