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Series: Air Service Accounts and Estimates
Name Air Service Accounts and Estimates
Description tbd
Departments Air Ministry
Books contained within this series
Name Air Estimates, 1951-52.. (H.C. 102)
Category Personel and Regulations in the Air Force
Issued By Air Ministry
Issued For none
Published Feb/1951 distribution = unknown info = unknown
Name Air Service Estimate, 1950-51. Supplementary Estimate of further number of Officers, Airmen and Airwomen required to be voted for Air Force Service. (H.C. 17)
Category Personel and Regulations in the Air Force
Issued By Air Ministry
Issued For none
Published Dec/1950 distribution = unknown info = unknown
Name Air Services Estimates, 1950-51. Supplementary Estimate. (H.C. 80)
Category Personel and Regulations in the Air Force
Issued By Air Ministry
Issued For none
Published Jan/1951 distribution = unknown info = unknown
Name Air Services. Appropriation Account for 1947-48; with the Report of the Controller and Auditor General thereon and upon other Air Services Accounts (H.C.40)
Category Personel and Regulations in the Air Force
Issued By Air Ministry
Issued For none
Published Mar/1949 distribution = unknown info = unknown
Name Air Services. Appropriation Account of the Sums granted by Parliament for 1948-49; with the Report of the Controller and Auditor General thereon and upon other Air Services Accounts (H.C.24)
Category Personel and Regulations in the Air Force
Issued By Air Ministry
Issued For none
Published Apr/1950 distribution = unknown info = unknown
Name Air Services. Appropriation Account of the Sums granted by Parliament for Air Services for 1949-50; with the Report of the Controller and Auditor General thereon and upon other Air Services Accounts (H.C.89)
Category Personel and Regulations in the Air Force
Issued By Air Ministry
Issued For none
Published Apr/1951 distribution = unknown info = unknown
Name Air Votes, 1948-49. Copy of Treasury Minute dated Feb. 9, 1950, authorising the Temporary Application of Surpluses on certain Air Votes for 1948-49 to meet Deficits on other Air Votes for the same year. (H.C.19)
Category Personel and Regulations in the Air Force
Issued By Air Ministry
Issued For none
Published Mar/1950 distribution = unknown info = unknown
Name Retired Pay, Pensions, etc: Order by His Majesty to amend the Order of Aug. 22, 1949, concerning Retired Pay, Pensions and other Grants for Officers, Nurces and Airmen disabled and for the Widows and Children of Officers and Airmen deceased in consequence of Service during the 1914 World War. (H.C. 268)
Category Personel and Regulations in the Air Force
Issued By Air Ministry
Issued For none
Published Nov/1949 distribution = unknown info = unknown
Name Retired Pay, Pensions, etc: Order by His Majesty to amend the Order of Sept. 27, 1949, concerning Retired Pay, Pensions and other Grants for Members of the Air Forces and of the Nursing and Auxiliary Services thereof disabled, and for the Widows and Children, Parents and other Dependents of such Members deceased, in consequence of Service after Sept. 2, 1939. (H.C. 269)
Category Personel and Regulations in the Air Force
Issued By Air Ministry
Issued For none
Published Nov/1949 distribution = unknown info = unknown
Name Royal Air Force Prize Fund Account, 1949-50, for the period June 24, 1949 to March 31, 1950, with the Report of the Controller and Auditor General thereon. (H.C.105)
Category Personel and Regulations in the Air Force
Issued By Air Ministry
Issued For none
Published Feb/1951 distribution = unknown info = unknown
Name Royal Air Force Prize Fund Account, 1950-51, with the Report of the Controller and Auditor General thereon. (H.C.54)
Category Personel and Regulations in the Air Force
Issued By Air Ministry
Issued For none
Published Dec/1951 distribution = unknown info = unknown