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Series: Home Security Circulars
Name Home Security Circulars
Description tbd
Departments Ministry of Home Security
Books contained within this series
Name Home Office Circular (753,030/15). Enrolment of Auxiliary Fire Service Volunteers Under National Service Campaign, 19th Jan 1939. [1/39]
Category Services at Home
Issued By Home Office
Issued For none
Published Jan/1939 distribution = 9,000 info = (15080-34) Wt.3425-604
Name Home Security Circular 010/1944. Basic Training and Operational Training of the Rescue Service. Jan 12, 1944.
Category Services at Home
Issued By Ministry Of Home Security
Issued For none
Published Jan/1944 distribution = unknown info = unknown
Name Home Security Circular 038/1940 - O. Provision of Air Raid Shelter in Specified Areas. March 4, 1940. [3/40]
Category General Air Raid Protections Organisation
Issued By Ministry Of Home Security
Issued For none
Published Mar/1940 distribution = 17,500 info = (22924) Wt. 3234-221
Name Home Security Circular 040/1940. Inspection of Civilian Respirators Held by the Public. March 4, 1940.
Category Air Raid Protections, Medical and Gas
Issued By Ministry Of Home Security
Issued For none
Published Mar/1940 distribution = unknown info = unknown
Name Home Security Circular 047/1940 - S.P.D. Charges for Respirators lost or damaged by members of the public. March 14, 1940. [3/40]
Category Air Raid Protections, Medical and Gas
Issued By Ministry Of Home Security
Issued For none
Published Mar/1940 distribution = 12,000 info = (23174) Wt.3194-226
Name Home Security Circular 075/1940 - S.P.D. Retention of Items of A.R.P. Equipment by individual members of services. April 26 1940. [4/40]
Category General Air Raid Protections Organisation
Issued By Ministry Of Home Security
Issued For none
Published May/1940 distribution = 15,000 info = 23968 Wt 626-233
Name Home Security Circular 075/1942. Shelter Design and Strengthening, Consolidating Circular, March 30 1942.
Category Shelters for Air Raid Protections
Issued By Ministry Of Home Security
Issued For none
Published Apr/1942 distribution = unknown info = unknown
Name Home Security Circular 080/1944. Local Refresher Courses for Instructors A.R.P.S. July 12, 1944.
Category Training for Air Raid Protections
Issued By Ministry Of Home Security
Issued For none
Published Jul/1944 distribution = unknown info = unknown
Name Home Security Circular 096/1941 - O./GEN./53. Steel Shelters - Cases of Flooding (Consolidated Circular). Apr 30th 1941. [4/41]
Category Shelters for Air Raid Protections
Issued By Ministry Of Home Security
Issued For none
Published May/1941 distribution = 15,000 info = B12159. Wt.576
Name Home Security Circular 125/1942. Economy in the use of Petrol and Tyres. Jun 10 ,1942
Category Production at Home
Issued By Ministry Of Home Security
Issued For none
Published Jun/1942 distribution = unknown info = unknown
Name Home Security Circular 145/1943 - I.G. Training of Local Inspectors (L.A.R.P.), Aug 26, 1943. [8/43]
Category Training for Air Raid Protections
Issued By Ministry Of Home Security
Issued For none
Published Aug/1943 distribution = 20M info = (28511) Wt. 1299-437
Name Home Security Circular 196/1941 - Appendix. Respirators. [9/41]
Category Air Raid Protections, Medical and Gas
Issued By Ministry Of Home Security
Issued For none
Published Sep/1941 distribution = 25,000 info = (14454) Wt.24281-549
Name Home Security Circular 290/1940 - O./GEN./244/8. Air Raid Shelter design (with diagrams), Dec 11, 1940. [12/40]
Category Shelters for Air Raid Protections
Issued By Ministry Of Home Security
Issued For none
Published Dec/1940 distribution = 10M info = [79778] 2655/100
Name Home Security Circular 320/1939. Civilian Duty Respirators fitted with Microphone Attachments. Dec 6, 1939.
Category Air Raid Protections, Medical and Gas
Issued By Ministry Of Home Security
Issued For none
Published Dec/1939 distribution = unknown info = unknown
Name Index of ARP and HS Circulars issued during the period Jan 1, 1939 to Mar 31, 1943, and current on March 31, 1943
Category General Air Raid Protections Organisation
Issued By Ministry Of Home Security
Issued For none
1st Edition Published Aug/1943 distribution = unknown info = unknown
Later Editions Published
logo 04/1944 : Index of ARP and HS Circulars issued during the period Jan 1, 1939 to Mar 31, 1943, and current on March 31, 1943. Supplement covering Apr 1 to Dec 31 1943. unknown unknown
logo 04/1945 : Index to A.R.P. and H.S. Circulars issued during the period Jan. 1, 1939 to March. 31, 1943, and current on March 31, 1943. 2nd Supplement covering the period Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 1944. unknown unknown