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Series: Education Pamphlets (New Series)
Name Education Pamphlets (New Series)
Description tbd
Departments Ministry of Education
Books contained within this series
Name Pamphlet No.1. The Nations Schools; Their Plan and Purpose.
Category Education Reference
Issued By Ministry Of Education
Issued For none
Published May/1945 distribution = unknown info = unknown
Name Pamphlet No.14. Story of a School. A Headmaster's experiences with children aged seven to eleven.
Category Education Reference
Issued By Ministry Of Education
Issued For none
1st Edition Published /1949 distribution = unknown info = unknown
Later Editions Published
logo XX/1950 : Pamphlet No.14. Story of a School. A Headmaster's experiences with children aged seven to eleven. Reprinted 1950. none unknown
Name Pamphlet No.2. A Guide to the Educational System of England and Wales.
Category Education Reference
Issued By Ministry Of Education
Issued For none
Published Aug/1945 distribution = unknown info = unknown
Name Pamphlet No.7. Education for Industry and Commerce. Entrants to the mining industry.
Category Education Reference
Issued By Ministry Of Education
Issued For none
Published Jan/1947 distribution = unknown info = unknown
Name Pamphlet No.8. Further Education.
Category Education Reference
Issued By Ministry Of Education
Issued For none
Published Mar/1947 distribution = unknown info = unknown