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The following is a list of sources where the images supporting this web-site have been obtained from. Some have kindly agreed to provide the images of items in their collections. Some are unfortunately not prepared to allow the use of the images and so are included for private use only and are replaced by our logo for public consumption.

The following sources have given permission.

Name Description #books
Anonymous1 Permission has been kindly granted by this source to use images provided by them to illustrate some book descriptions.23
Anonymous2 Permission has been kindly granted by this source to use images provided by them to illustrate some book descriptions.6
Ebay user stephent6160 Permission has been kindly granted by this source to use images provided by them to illustrate some book descriptions.9
Home Front Collection Permission has been kindly granted by this source to use images provided by them to illustrate some book descriptions.10
Internet Archive These images have been extracted from this source of copyright expired items under creative commons.1
Josephs Permission has been kindly granted by this source to use images provided by them to illustrate some book descriptions.3

The following sources have not given permission.

Name Description #books
British Library. All B.S.51 except 8 and 29 No permission has been granted by this source to use images of books held so any images have been restricted to private access only.9
British Library. The COI Archive No permission has been granted by this source to use images of books held so any images have been restricted to private access only.28
British Library. United Nations related No permission has been granted by this source to use images of books held so any images have been restricted to private access only.2
Ealing Central Library No permission has been granted by this source to use images of books held so any images have been restricted to private access only.1
Imperial War Museum None yet16
London Metropolitan Archives No permission has been granted by this source to use images of books held so any images have been restricted to private access only.17
National Archives. Civil Defense No permission has been granted by this source to use images of books held so any images have been restricted to private access only.11
National Archives. Ministry of Information No permission has been granted by this source to use images of books held so any images have been restricted to private access only.1
Unknown These images have been accessed from a multitude of unverified online sources which are unable to provide permission hence have been restricted to private access only.4