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Person: Brotheridge, Herbert Denham
Name Brotheridge, Herbert Denham
Description A British Army officer who served with the 2nd Battalion, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry during WW2. He was chosen to command 25 Platoon in 'D' Company which was aboard the first glider to land by the bridge at Benouville now known as Pegasus Bridge and became the lead platoon across the bridge. He died after being shot whilest securing the bridge and is often considered to be the first Allied soldier to be killed in action on D-Day. He was posthumously Mentioned in Despatches.
Lived Born 8 Dec 1915, Died 6 Jun 1944
There is 1 Book that references this person
Name By Air to Battle. The official account of the British Airborne Divisions
Category Action in the Air
Issued By Ministry Of Information
Issued For Air Ministry
Published Oct/1945