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Person: Kindersley, Hugh Kenyon Molesworth
Name Kindersley, Hugh Kenyon Molesworth
Description A Senior British Army soldier who was commissioned into the Scots Guards in 1917 and awarded the Military Cross for his actions in battle in France in 1918. In WW2 he commanded a tank battalion of the Scots Guards in the Guards Armoured Division and was later appointed Commanding Officer of the 6th Air Landing Brigade. He landing during the Normandy landings on D-Day but was wounded during the Battle for Breville by friendly fire. After the war he was chairman of the Officers Association, Honorary Colonel of 10th Parachute Battalion and High Sheriff of London.
Lived Born 7 May 1899, Died 6 Oct 1976
There is 1 Book that references this person
Name By Air to Battle. The official account of the British Airborne Divisions
Category Action in the Air
Issued By Ministry Of Information
Issued For Air Ministry
Published Oct/1945