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Person: Poett, Joseph Howard Nigel
Name Poett, Joseph Howard Nigel
Description A British Senior Army officer who was commissioned into the Durham Light Infantry in 1927 becoming a War office Staff Officer in 1939 and commander of 11th Battalion of the Durham Light Infantry in 1942. Joining the airborne forces in 1943 as commander of the 5th parachute Brigade, his brigade was used on D-Day to reinforce two road bridges across the River Orne and the Caen Canal. Later post war commands included Chief of Staff Far East Land Forces, 3rd Infantry Division Middle East Land Forces, Commanding-in-Chief Southern Command and Commander-in-Chief Far East Land Forces.
Lived Born 20 Aug 1907, Died 29 Oct 1991
There is 1 Book that references this person
Name By Air to Battle. The official account of the British Airborne Divisions
Category Action in the Air
Issued By Ministry Of Information
Issued For Air Ministry
Published Oct/1945