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Person: Badoglio, Pietro, 1st Duke of Addis Abeba, 1st Marquess of Sabotino
Name Badoglio, Pietro, 1st Duke of Addis Abeba, 1st Marquess of Sabotino
Description An Italian general during both World Wars and a Prime Minister of Italy, as well as the first viceroy of Italian East Africa. He was Chief of Staff from 1925 until 1940 when Following the Italian army’s poor performance in the invasion of Greece in December 1940, he resigned from the General Staff.
Lived Born 28 Sep 1871, Died 1 Nov 1956
There is 1 Book that references this person
Name The Army At War. The Destruction of an Army. The First Campaign in Libya. Sept 1940-Feb 1941
Category Action on Land
Issued By Ministry Of Information
Issued For War Office
Published Jan/1942