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Person: Parker, Reginald Goulbourne
Name Parker, Reginald Goulbourne
Description A British Army officer commissioned into The Green Howards in 1919, who oversaw the conversion of the 10th Battalion of the Green Howards to airborne forces when it was redesignated as the 12th Parachute Battalion. He was later made Deputy Commander of the 6th Airlanding Brigade and awarded the Distinguished Service Order for conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty after taking command while injured when the Commanding Officer of the 12th Parachute Battalion was killed during D-Day. He later commanded the 3rd Parachute Brigade and was the Honorary Colonel of the 12/13th Battalion of The Parachute Regiment after the war.
Lived Born , Died
There is 1 Book that references this person
Name By Air to Battle. The official account of the British Airborne Divisions
Category Action in the Air
Issued By Ministry Of Information
Issued For Air Ministry
Published Oct/1945