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Person: Witzig, Rudolf
Name Witzig, Rudolf
Description A German Airborne Officer who led the assault on the Belgian fortress of Eben Emael during the very first hours of WW2. In command of 3rd Battalion Air Landing Assault Regiment, he led an assault on Maleme airfield during the invasion of Crete. In command of the Corps Pioneer Battalion in Tunisia he played a prominent part in the offensive around Medjez el Bab in Feb 1943. In command of 1st Battalion Paratroop Pioneer Regiment he was sent in 1944 to reinforce the Russian front and fought against the Red Army along the Kovno-Duena road. In command of 18th Paratroop Regiment he was sent to the western front, to fight the advancing British, Americans, and Canadians. After WW2 he rose to the rank of colonel before retiring in 1974.
Lived Born 4 Aug 1916, Died 3 Oct 2001
There is 1 Book that references this person
Name By Air to Battle. The official account of the British Airborne Divisions
Category Action in the Air
Issued By Ministry Of Information
Issued For Air Ministry
Published Oct/1945