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Person: Horton, Sir Max Kennedy
Name Horton, Sir Max Kennedy
Description A British submariner during WW1 and commander-in-chief of the Western Approaches in the latter half of WW2, responsible for British participation in the Battle of the Atlantic. He devised the system of support groups, who would travel with convoys, but have more freedom in pursuing submarines than the escort group.
Lived Born 29 Nov 1883, Died 30 Jul 1951
There are 2 Books that reference this person
Name His Majesty's Submarines
Category Action at Sea
Issued By Ministry Of Information
Issued For Admiralty
Published Jul/1945
Name The Battle of the Atlantic, The Official Account of the Fight Against The U-Boats, 1939 - 1945
Category Action at Sea
Issued By Central Office Of Information
Issued For none
Published Oct/1946