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Person: Petrie, Christopher Henry
Name Petrie, Christopher Henry
Description A Royal Navy officer who begun WW2 as the Commanding Officer of Armed Merchant Cruiser HMS Bulolo and then commanded the Troop Ship HMS Glengyle until the end of 1941. He moved onto shore roles at HMS Saker (Washington), HMS Salsette (Bombay), HMS Eland (Freetown) and later a Naval Officer-in-Charge of the 'Mulberry B'; floating harbour.
Lived Born 18 Apr 1889, Died 1 May 1957
There is 1 Book that references this person
Name The Mediterranean Fleet, Greece to Tripoli. The Admiralty Account of Naval Operations: April 1941 to January 1943
Category Action at Sea
Issued By Ministry Of Information
Issued For Admiralty
Published Sep/1944