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Category: Release of People
Name Release of People
Description Description TBD
Books contained within this category
English(18) French(1)
Name Army Education Scheme. The Plan for the Release Period. June, 1945.
Category Release of People
Issued By War Office
Issued For none
Published Jun/1945
Name Message from His Majesty the King to the Navies, Armies and Air Forces of the British Commonwealth and Empire (Special Army Order 133). August 18,1945.
Category Release of People
Issued By War Office
Issued For none
Published Sep/1945
Name Message from the Army Council to all Ranks of His Majesty's Armies. (Special Army Order No. 130). Aug 16, 1945.
Category Release of People
Issued By War Office
Issued For none
Published Aug/1945
Name Message from the Army Council to all Ranks of His Majesty's Armies. (Special Army Order No. 65). May 9, 1945.
Category Release of People
Issued By War Office
Issued For none
Published May/1945
Name Naval Service, Instructions for release from the. (B.R.1281 (1)). June, 1945.
Category Release of People
Issued By Admiralty
Issued For none
Published Aug/1945
Name Regulations for the Release of R.A.F. Personnel as a result of Re-allocation of Man-power between the Armed Forces and Civilian Employment during any interim period between the defeat of Germany and the defeat of Japan. (A.P. 3093), Jan., 1945. Incorporates Amendment List No.1.
Category Release of People
Issued By Air Ministry
Issued For none
1st Edition Published Nov/1945
Later Editions Published logo 11/1945 : Release of Royal Air Force Personnel, Regulations for the (A.P. 3093), 1945. Amendment List No. 2. Oct., 1945.
logo 04/1946 : Release of Royal Air Force Personnel, Regulations for the (A.P. 3093), 1945. Amendment List No. 3. Jan., 1946.
Name Release and Resettlement: A Reprint of the Booklet distributed to serving members of H.M. Forces explaining their position and rights.
Category Release of People
Issued By Ministry Of Labour And National Service
Issued For none
Published Jun/1945
Name Release from Military Duty, Termination of Emergency Commissions. Release from Army Service and Reversion to Non-Employment of Re-Employer Retired Officers of the Regular Army Reserve of Officers including the Militia and the Supplementary Reserve of Officers (Special Army Order No.84 ). June 18, 1945.
Category Release of People
Issued By War Office
Issued For none
Published Jul/1945
Name Release from Military Duty, Termination of Emergency Commissions. Release from Embodied Service of Officers of the Territorial Army (Special Army Order No.86 ). June 18, 1945.
Category Release of People
Issued By War Office
Issued For none
Published Jul/1945
Name Release from Military Duty, Termination of Emergency Commissions. Release from Military Duty of Officers holding Emergency Commissions in the Land Army. (Special Army Order No.83 ). June 18, 1945.
Category Release of People
Issued By War Office
Issued For none
Published Jul/1945
Name Release from Military Duty, Termination of Emergency Commissions. Termination of Emergency Commissions in the Regular Army. (Special Army Order No.85 ). June 18, 1945.
Category Release of People
Issued By War Office
Issued For none
Published Jul/1945
Name Release from the Army. Regulations for, 1945.
Category Release of People
Issued By War Office
Issued For none
1st Edition Published Jun/1945
Later Editions Published logo 11/1945 : Release from the Army. Regulations for, 1945. Amendments No.1. Oct. 1945.
logo 06/1946 : Release from the Army. Regulations for, 1945. Amendments No.2. May 1946.
Name The First to be Freed, The Record of British Military Administration in Eritrea and Somalis, 1941-1943
Category Release of People
Issued By Ministry Of Information
Issued For none
Published Sep/1944
Name The Serviceman's Resettlement. Notes for the guidance of all concerned with Management.
Category Release of People
Issued By Ministry Of Labour And National Service
Issued For none
Published Apr/1946
Name The Thanks of the Houses of Parliament to the services on the Victorious Conclusion of he World War (Special Army Order No.174). Nov. 14, 1945.
Category Release of People
Issued By War Office
Issued For none
Published Nov/1945