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NameThe Army At War. The Defence of Calais. (Erik Linklater)
CategoryAction on Land
DepartmentMinistry Of Information
Issued ForWar Office
Distribution Informationunknown
Listed In HMSO Index Dec/1941
Size12 x 18
DescriptionThis is an interim report. The whole story of the defence of Calais will never be told, because much of it was enacted by little groups of men who, with no witness but the enemy, fought till they were killed. But many survived the action and are now prisoners of war. Some day they will tell, more fully and more accurately than I have done, the story of Calais.
Organisations referenced
People referenced
Glossary referenced
1st Canadian Division Beith, John Hay
30th Infantry Brigade Hoskyns, Lieutenant-Colonel Chandos
British Expeditionary Force - WW2 Ironside, William Edmund, 1st Baron Ironside GCB, CMG, DSO
King’s Royal Rifle Corps Keller, Lieutenant-Colonel
Luftwaffe Lewis, Cecil Day, CBE
Military Police (UK) Linklater, Eric Robert Russell
Queen Victoria’s Rifles McCartney, Lieutenant-Colonel
Rifle Brigade McNaughton, Andrew George Latta, CH, CB, CMG, DSO, CD,PC
Royal Air Force Miller, Sir Euan Alfred Bews, KBE CB DSO MC
Royal Army Ordnance Corps Nicholson, Brigadier Claude
Royal Army Service Corps Somerville, Sir James Fownes, GCB, GBE, DSO, DL
Royal Artillery
Royal Engineers
Royal Marines
Royal Tank Regiment
Royal West Kent Regiment
The Royal Navy
War Office