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NameThe Army at War. They sought Out Rommel. A Diary of the Libyan Campaign
CategoryAction on Land
DepartmentMinistry Of Information
Issued ForWar Office
Distribution Informationunknown
Listed In HMSO Index Jun/1942
Size12 x 18.5
DescriptionThis book is a diary, kept from Nov. 16th to Dec. 31st, 1941, by a Public Relations Officer whose job it was to conduct a party of newspaper correspondents into battle. It includes some maps to illustrate the phases which have been enhanced with colour to make them clearer. One of his party writes: 'I saw' are fine words for the newspaper man ... This time we certainly saw ...; saw Rommel's tank force charging our positions at Sidi Omar and destroyed by a handful of British gunners; saw thousands of vehicles charging into Libya like destroyers in smoke-screens; saw the link with Tobruk decisively established, saw the Poles beginning to redress their wrongs; saw the Indian Brigade chase the enemy fifty miles in one day; saw the shambles on Derna aerodrome; saw the entry into Benghazi. And that our little party of war correspondents was able to see what watching civilisation so hungrily desired to read was largely due to the zeal, foresight, courage and energy of our conducting officer, Captain Sean Fielding of the Green Howards, the writer of this diary.
Organisations referenced
People referenced
Glossary referenced
11th Hussars (Prince Albert’s Own) Anderson, Godfrey H.P. 155 mm Long Tom
11th Indian Infantry Brigade Ashwood, Terry Aerodrome
1st Infantry Division (South Africa) Bayliss, Fred W. Anti-aircraft warfare
22nd Armoured Brigade Brewer, Sam Pope Anti-tank warfare
2nd Infantry Division (South Africa) Brooke, John Warden Army Captain
2nd New Zealand Division Capell, Richard Army Second Lieutenant
32nd Army Tank Brigade Churchill, Winston Artillery
4th Armoured Brigade Clifford, Alexander G. Bardia Bill
4th Infantry Division (India) Crisp, Robert James Battalion
4th Royal Tank Regiment Cunningham, Sir Alan Gordon Bedford Vehicles
5th Infantry Brigade (South Africa) Denny, Harold BL 6-inch 26 cwt howitzer
6th Rajputana Rifles Graziani, Rodolfo, 1st Marquis of Neghelli Boche
7th Armoured Division Halton, Matthew Bomber
Anti-Aircraft Command Jacob, Harold Alaric Bren Gun
Bofors AB Keating, Geoffrey Brigade
British 13th Corps Killanin, Michael Morris, 3rd Baron Brigadier general
British 30th Corps Moorehead, Alan McCrae Bristol Beaufighter
British Army Mowrer, Richard Scott Bristol Bombay
British Broadcasting Corporation Reynolds, Quentin James Commanding Officer
Central India Horse (21st King George V’s Own Horse) Ritchie, Sir Neil Methuen Company
Chicago Daily News Rommel, Erwin Johannes Eugen Compass
Chicago Sun Times Ronnie Noble Cordite
Chicago Tribune Salusbury, Frederic Hamilton Piozzi Corned beef
Daily Express Vanderson, William Corps
Daily Herald Ward, Edward Henry Harold Cruiser Tank
Daily Mail Crusader Tank
Fascist Party Curtiss P-40 Warhawk (Tomahawk)
German 15th Panzer Division Daimler Dingo
German 21st Panzer Division Defensive fighting position
Green Howards (Alexandra, Princess of Wales’s Own Yorkshire Regiment) Dive-bomber
Italian 132nd Armoured Division Ariete Division
Italian 17th Infantry Division Pavia Echelon Formation
Italian 25th Infantry Division Bologna Fiat G.50
Italian Bersaglieri Core Fiat-Ansaldo M13/40 Tank
Junkers Flugzeug und Motorenwerke AG Fighter
King Own Royal Regiment (Lancaster) Flare
Kings Dragoon Guards Flare Guns
Luftwaffe Full general
Māori Battalion General Staff Intelligence
Movietone News Gunners
New York Times Hawker Hurricane
Paramount Pictures Humber Light Reconnaissance Car
Polish Independent Carpathian Rifle Brigade Individual Compass Error
Reuters Infantry
Royal Air Force Infantry tank
Royal Artillery Junkers Ju 87 or Stuka
Royal Australian Air Force Laager
Royal East Kent Regiment (The Buffs) Latrine
Royal Engineers Light Aid Detachment
Royal Sussex Regiment Line of communication
The Daily Telegraph Machine gun
Toronto Star Major
U.S. Naval Reserve Martin Maryland
United Press International Medium Equipment Transporter
Universal Studios Messerschmitt Bf 109
War Office Military Glider
Military Transport Vehicle
Naval fleet
Panzer III Tank
Prisoner of war
QF 25-pounder field gun
Reconnaissance Aircraft
Sparrow’s cough
Thompson submachine gun
Tommy Atkins (Tommy)